After surviving puberty and the drama of becoming a young lady that wrote and read science fiction and *gasp* played D&D, I managed to graduate high school. Somehow I earned high mar despite having devoted all of my class time in senior algebra to hide behind my textbook and covertly write my first full-length novel. After this rebellious rule-bending (I was never caught), I went on to earn a master’s degree in Creative Writing in Science Fiction at the University of Kansas. Because I have trouble doing one thing at a time, I also minored in the study of medieval, Arthurian and Shakespearean literature and as a result much of what I write has a dark-ages feel. I never really became one of the super cool kids, but I did manage to get married and have a beautiful and quite talented son.
I am lucky to live with way too many pets in an antique two-story Victorian house that hosts a few ghosts with very progressive thoughts on how to live with humans and fur-babies. Among other things, this paranormal situation creates a bubble of magic that seems to be a beacon to any critter that needs human intervention. It usually means food, shelter, and ridiculous veterinary bills. When I’m not writing or at the horse barn, this charming home keeps me busy with gardening, decorating, and fixing whatever the critters or ghosts have chosen to meddle with. And keeping up with the hair. All. The. Hair.